Place me under helpless
Something that I cant ignore
Break down – give in ? find the place I need to be
Never be the same again to me
And it?s been a waste of time to me
And it?s been a waste of time?
Try to reach out of my grasp
Hard to find the words to tell you
In our way we?ve become our own slaves and
Never be the same again
Because of You
I never wanted it to be the way it?s been before
It?ll never be the same and life doesn?t change
And it?s been a waste of time, to me
Empty hearts I can hear them talking I close my eyes and I keep on…
Odam kireç tutmuyor Kumunu katmayınca Sevda baştan gitmiyor Sarılıp yatmayınca Baba ben derviş miyem Hırkamı…
If you dont want me Throw me away If its important to you baby then…
I felt a change in this world Where everything was damned A sign of rebirth…
When I look into your eyes I see gods light trying to find me And…