I’m sorry baby if my mood’s been changin’
But my social life nees some rearrangin’, yeah
Well, I got nothin’ against my ole lady but
Every now and then, a man’s gotta get out and
get crazy
I need a boys’ night out
That’s all baby
Boys’ night out
We’ll do some drinkin’ maybe hurt ourselves
real bad
I guarantee the best time that we ever had
So don’t stay up ’cause I’ll be out all night
Don’t try and see me ’cause I’ll be outta sight
One more boys’ night out
Boys’ night out
Boys’ night out
Now, what do you say fellas, one mote
Boys’ night out
That’s all fellas
Boys’ night out
I’ll do my best to stay outta jail
‘Cause my ole lady ain’t never gonna go my bail
I hope Eddie doesn’t start another fight
If we get too high you know baby we just might
I need help
Boys’ night out
Boys’ night out
One more boys’ night out, boys’ night out
Boys’ night out
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