Categories: Şarkı Sözleri

Haggard – Eppur Si Muove

[Music: A. Nasseri / Lyrics: A. Nasseri]

___ the one in sorrows

To release my darkened mind

And never to ___ my way to thee

A light that blinds the blind

God end this suffering

My blood and tears that flow for you

My King

My Son, beware…

… of all that your eyes cannot see

Trust your mind

And strengthen your abilities

Did you ever touch the starlight ?

Dreamed for a thousand years?

Have you ever seen the beauty

Of a newborn century?

And now’s the time to enter

A new way, things to see

Man is just a weak reflection

In evolution’s history

And in the hour of darkness

It will guide your way:

La bellezza del paese di Galilei [the beauty of the country of Galilei]

E nella mia ora più buia [and in my darkest hour]

loro splenderanno [they will shine]

per me [for me]

all’infinito [for ever]

___ the one in sorrows

To release my darkened mind

And never to ___ my way to thee

A light that blinds the blind

God end this suffering

My blood and tears that flow for you

My King

Geboren im flackernden Kerzenschein [born in flickering light of the candle]

Verfasst in dunkler Zeit [enscripted in sombre times]

Ein altes Stück von Pergament [an old piece of parchment]

Sich mit der Feder vereint [unites with the feather]

Der Zeichnung seines Arms entspringt [arising from his arm’s drawing]

Der Universen Zelt [the tent of the universe]

Es ist der Zeiten Anbeginn [it is the beginning of time]

Und ändert diese Welt [and changes this world]

Des Universums Zelt [the tent of the universe]

Nato al lume guizzante della candela [born in flickering light of the candle]

Scritto in tempi oscuri [enscripted in sombre times]

Sulla vecchia pergamena [an old piece of parchment]

Scorre la penna [unites with the feather]

E dal suo braccio nasce [arising from his arm’s drawing]

Il disegno delle volte celesti [the tent of the universe]


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