Categories: Şarkı Sözleri

Stabbing Westward – Waking Up Beside You

I’ve been so alone for so long

Forgotten by the world

Forgotten to myself

Your effervescent eyes have awakened me

And brushed the dust away

But I knew you’d never stay

So I memorized the color of your eyes as I lost myself inside you

And I memorized the way our legs entwined as I drifted off beside you

I miss

God I miss

Waking up beside you

At night I cling to you, I’m so afraid

Afraid the day will come

And I’ll wake and find you gone

But you promised that you’d not abandon me

And kissed my fears away

But I woke up to that day

But I had memorized the way our eyes

would meet reflected in the bathroom mirror

And I memorized your naked silhouette as you slowly brushed your hair

I miss

God I miss

Waking up beside you

I’ve been so alone for so long

I forgot how much it hurts

To wake up so alone

But I memorized how warm your body felt

as you lay half asleep beside me

And I memorized the way the sunlight

filled the room and played upon your body

I miss

God I miss

Waking up beside you

I miss

God I miss

Waking up beside you


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