Its midnight
My blanket’s never felt so cold
Your memory’s grown old
And I can feel your ghost deep within these walls
Where do you get off saying
Anything goes?
I have tried to heal my misery
I’ve lost my everything
I’ve lost my everything
With rusty nails for rhetoric
You’re armed with a sense of denial
I’ll tell you forever
That this is your error
Your mess up, your mistake, your fault
and I will carry on
Where do you get off saying
Anything goes?
I have tried to heal my misery
But absence makes the heart grow fonder
I’ve lost my everything
You, got my head in a spin Don't know how you got into my heart…
Gör Bu Düğün Bir Devrin Sonudur Gör Bu Hüzün Ne Aşk Nede Huzur Duy,Duy Anlamasanda…
Can you surry, can you picnic Can you surry, can you picnic c'mon c'mon and…
Hit me dad, hit me again, hit me with all your might I can take…
We'll always make it through the day There's always gonna be a better way Always…
Kalbin kırıldığında Canın sıkıldığında Kararsız kaldığında Sen nerdeysen dostlar orda Dünden sonra yarından önce Hayat…