Why didn’t anyone care enough to let you know? If they did would they have lied anyway? Never believe they’ll only tell you what you think you want to hear. All tall and pompous and grand. Standing on the alters of our feelings. Feeding us rotting meat and sour milk when all we ask for is bread and wine. Liars! All of you! You’ve led me down the path of destruction, deceiving me, hiding all the real facts, hurting those close to me. So run my brothers and sisters, cause it’s all gonna burn; and nothing, NOTHING will put out the flames! And as it burns I’ll praise God for His wrath and forgiveness, and warm my frozen blood with the heat, and feed my soul with the burnt flesh, of our ONCE GREAT LEADERS!!
yok olmaz böyle kıvıramadım ben bu işi nerde nasıl diye sordum bilen yok acil yardım…
The First Time 3:56 Brian Wilson In the night timewhen, when its dark and cold.…
The dawn of springtime gave birth to a new love For you and me that…
yeaah, we do it foe love we do it foe the love you know my…
Her Sabah Her Seher Cumbuşa Gelir El Aman Dağlar Ya Muhammet Ali Çağırır Ya Gel…