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Serserin oldum, Sersefil oldum
Geçmişi sil at geleceğe bak
Gel benim olda bitsin azap
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İnadını bırak insafa gel
Serserin oldum, Sersefil oldum
Geçmişi sil at geleceğe bak
Gel benim olda bitsin azap
California girls they have a way Of moving their mouths just a certain way Saying…
You hold your broken heart out And you say it just won't stop hurting Like…
The revolution will not be televised The revolution is here Yeah, it's Common Sense, with…
Way to go this time. You've done so good for yourself. And do you realize…
I believe If you give A little bit of love To those you live with…
Music by Elton John Lyrics by Bernie Taupin You can take her Make her change…