i’m playing games with your sex, with your ‘lectric shocks
learn to let myself loose and be the dummy in your snapshots
i’m playing games learn to get on with your backward fans
stick my body in the sun and help to get rid of the white tan
And maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
And maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
And maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
And maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
i’m playing games, marking names with the blackest thoughts
if you’re building me up to be the target for your cheap shots
i’m playing games keep a blind eye on the main chance
strip my body of its skin and try to cancel out the white trash
And maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
And maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
And maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
And maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
i’m playing games if your aim is for the quick fix
cos I know what you wanted and i know how you got it
i’m playing games if you play i’m in the fast lane
learn to jump into the road and learn to save a little lost face
And maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
And maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
And maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
And maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
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