so hail a taxi cab and come around here
and i will meet you right outside.
i got some DVDs and a couple of beers,
if you want to,
we can stay up all night.
it’s nothing fancy, just a little couch and me
and conversation for your mind.
so let’s explore all the possibilities
of the things that we both talked about last time.
take a trip to my yard
don’t you know the grass is greener on the other side?
take a trip to my yard
don’t you know the love that you’ve been dreaming of is mine?
i’ll be your neighbour at the other end of town
and the benefits you soon will find.
so let’s enjoy the fact that we’re on our own
and we will answer to nobody else this time.
tonight might be nothing but the moon and me
any time that we take the script and flip it baby
take a trip to my yard
take a trip to my yard
don’t you know the grass is greener on the otherside?
take a trip to my yard
don’t you know the love that you’ve been dreaming of is mine?
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