Build a sound phase run it through a nation
Make a dance craze turn into a nation
We will search in waters for our destination
Born in troubled eras born to test a nation
Let me go, let me shoulder up to angels
Walk this street without fear of strangers
Let me move move conscious sons and daughter
Trade this sorrow for a code of honor
One ton one song son
One little step one destination
Woah, walk through a beehive
never get stung
Hot’s on the left cold’s on the right
One wrong turn and you’ll be burning all night
Swing from the drapes with the other party apes
When I leave this piece, I’m taking my tapes
Nobody move, nobody get stung
One ton song sun heavier than the sun
Wave pattern riot hit the set no damage done
Rocking the crowd in the back of the dance and
we’re rocking ’em up in the front
Goodbye desensitization
Walk through a beehive never get stung
All across the world all across the nation
Turn it out turn it out, all my relation
I got the drip runnin into my arm got me fillin up on fluid like…
Never thought I'll feel again, feel the darkness fade and see the morning sun arise…
close your spine till you're a ball tihs is a good way to break off…
Eğer bir zerreysem senin gözünde Dağ gibi yüceyim yıldıramazsın Deniz derya isem şu yeryüzünde Beni…
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