a sound approach to massive hands down nothing more than change your name cuz you don’t know a thing you’re fighting a river 10 times the size assume i’m gay like Ellen do you want to swim let’s jump in come on come on it’s not like you enjoy it don’t wait for somebody to tell you that you don’t know a thing about my life you don’t know a fucking thing around the same time as Mozart who were those women they don’t talk about who were those we dream about could privacy be a matter of just enough time to write about you as me in bed lights off clothes on it’s time to go do you wanna go come on come on can’t get away from liking it a move and a sing of the times you know me you know that i remember it like yesterday you know me i know you remember it like yesterday
cannot understand why you're doing this i cope i know but you must know it's…
I wanna be dirty cuz i don't about the clothes I wear I'll be dirty…
In the movement of the waves Feel the rushing of the wind You're in everything…
dostuna gücendiğin, kavgalara üşendiğin, kendine razı olduğun gün, o gün dolar, dolar zaman gündüze usandığın,…
my heartstrings cease to strain i've aquired a taste for poisoned lips drank deep of…
feel my body Full of joy and life My spirit is strong But this is…