Well if you’ve been a married woman and things didn’t seem to work out
Well Divorce is the key to bein’ loose and free but you’re gonna be talked about
Everybody knows that you’ve loved once, and they think you’ll love again
You can’t have a male friend if you’re a has been, or a woman, rated X
And if you’re rated X you’re some kind of gold even men turning silver try to
But I think it’s wrong to judge every picture if a cheap camera makes a mistake
And when your best friend’s husband says to you you’ve sure started lookin’ good
You should’ve known he would and he would if he could and he will if you’re
rated X
Well nobody knows where you’re goin’ but they sure know where you’ve been,
All their thinking of is your experience of love, all their minds eat up with
The women all look at you like you’re bad and the men all hope you are
But if you go too far you’re gonna wear the scar of a woman rated X
Well if you’re rated X you’re some kind of gold even men turning silver try to
But I think it’s wrong to judge every picture if a cheap camera makes a mistake
And when your best friend’s husband says to you, you’ve sure started looking
You should’ve known he would and he would if he could and he will if you’re
rated X
You should’ve known he would and he would if he could and he will if you’re
[Canibus] Yo, the fact that I'm down wit Def Squad's hard to determine Till you…
Water is wet And rocks are hard But the wind, my friend Does what it…
I think I'm finally ready to let go of everything and follow you to the…
Düşünme çok, dönüş yok artık geriye Sonunda bak yalancı çıktım, ah kadere Canımı verirdim, uğruna…
The four hooves echo in the night. Pictures of deepest fear reflect in your eyes,…