I see the morning sun from my window
Not a cloud for a mile or two
Wearing out my slippers when I walk
But that’s what I’m supposed to do
What is the purpose
What am I doing here
When I ought to be at work
I’m going round and round in circles all day
Can’t stop thinking about where it hurts
Look ahead
Is this what I wanna do for the rest of my life?
Well that’s not right
Look ahead
Does it mean that I’m afraid to give it a try
Yeah just a try
I’m taking a sick leave
Forgot to make the call
Just let them know that this is too hard
I can’t figure out what I’m gonna say
Cause telling them a lie when I’m in bed anyway
A little scared as I dial the phone
Saying that the fever has got into my bone
I’m sweating like a pig when you return my call
Now get well soon, take the day off
Look ahead
Is this what I wanna do for the rest of my life?
Well that’s not right
Look ahead
Does it mean I’m afraid to give it a try
Yeah just a try
(day off, day off…)
Keeping a straight face, trying to seem real
Enjoying myself, well here’s the deal
I’m never ever going back there again
No no, m-mm, no way at all
I’m never ever going back there again
I gotta be honest with myself
Yeah, I gotta be honest with myself
Look ahead
Is this what I wanna do for the rest of my life?
Well that’s not right
Look ahead
Does it mean I’m afraid to give it a try
Yeah just a try
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