Sick-boy, in his faded blue jeans,
Sick-boy, black leather jacket scene.
Sick-boy, he’s always in trouble
With the law don’t ya know…
Sick-boy, he carries a switch blade knife
Sick-boy, likes to get into fights.
Sick-boy, he’ll go drinkin’
With the boys all night long.
Sick-boy, rides a big motorbike,
Sick-boy, combs his hair up just right.
Sick-boy, with tattoos up and
Down his arms, don’t ya know…
Sick-boy, he’s got a girl wrapped around
his arm,
Sick-boy, with his street-like charm.
Sick-boy, he’ll make love to her
All night long, don’t ya know…
Bir ilkbahar sabahı güneşle uyandın mı hiç Çılgın gibi koşarak kırlara uzandın mı hiç Bir…
Blue jeans, check! Black-T, check! Record my raps on a cassette tape deck. Wearin' no…
I Got To Run To Keep From Hidin' And I'm Bound To Keep On Ridin'…
A crow and a baby Had an affair The result was a landslide The result…
Boz bulanık akan seller Dost bendini yıkar gider Yar yoluna bakan gözler Dolu dolu döker…
Bridges are burning, heads are turning to a sky that's painted red. Your voice grows…