imagine to set one fire burn out the infection spread the ruin end the tyrrany
I saw you shut out the light tape the black fabric over your eyes
and this is the way you see there’s a war going on insde me
let me go down…
your diseased hand touches my mouth
and the words and fingers rot and curl and wither
there’s a hollowness that festers there let me go down…
I’m in the need to cut you to pieces.
twist the lids of your blinded vision.
I’m in the need to dismember the ruinous joints of you
I’m in the need for slaughter – I’ve got the taste of blood on my tongue…
picking at the skin offering no protection
I’m bared down to the wires
leave me this tarnished key to lock and silence
I need to be filled up with light
hope is sunken like my blackened eyes
I’ve lost this breath
withering solace
the ghost came to carry me home…
Bir Firtina tuttu bizi, deryaya kardi. O bizim Kavusmalarimiz a yarim, Mahsere kaldi. O bizim…
some people think they caught us slipping but we all know that it's not true…
Distant from faces hollow and uncomfortable. I haven't been up or down in so long,…
To come apart in mountain tops is to come apart in rain Every note creates…
Feed me, fix me Please stop the shaking taking over me Please set me free…
Gonna be like a dog Lay flat on my back Pull my feet off the…