When I was a young boy, my momma she said to me:
There’s only one girl in the world for you
And she probably lives in Tahiti
Or maybe in the Bahamas
where the Caribbean sea is blue
Weepin’ away in the tropical night
because nobody’s told her ’bout you
I’d go the whole wide world
I’d go the whole wide world
just to find her
I’d go the whole wide world
I’d go the whole wide world
to find out where they hide her
Why am I hanging around in the rain out here
Tryin’ to think of a girl
Why are my eyes fillin’ up with these lonely tears
When there’s girls all over the world?
Or is she lying on a tropical beach somewhere
Underneat the tropical sun
Hiding away in the heat wave there
Hopin’ that I won’t be long?
I’d go the whole wide world
I’d go the whole wide world
just to find her
I’d go the whole wide world
I’d go the whole wide world
to find out where they hide her
I’d go the whole wide world
[repeat to fade]
Sisli güz sabahları estikçe serin serin Seyre dal gözlerimi dalında mürdümleri Sararan mevsim gibi ah…
Eremez oldum sevemez oldum Ben, ben gibi seni Göremez oldum duyamaz oldum Yar, yar gibi…
In this darkness Trouble water Lies a flicker Of hopes fire Come to your senses…
Bir mezarlık farzet başka yer yok eski mabet Tut elimden yeni sarayımın kapıları biraz unut…
The human herd has served me well, Giving me thought, desires, dreams, My dearest beings…
How much longer will you forget me, Lord? How much longer will you hide yourself…