Sometimes we come undone
We’re only human
Wake up! Here comes the sun
To offer us a new beginning
Now it’s time to resign and let it go
Say good-bye, you and I never had control
You’re thinking that you are in control
Here it comes again
This time it may be touch and go
So let’s count to ten
If we don’t try, we’ll never know
And I will see you tomorrow
Sometimes we come undone
We’re only human
Wake up! Here comes the sun
To offer us a new beginning
You never know what you have until you walk away
And everything will look different in the light of day
You’re thinking that you are in control
Here it comes again
This time it may be touch and go
So let’s count to ten
If we don’t try, we’ll never know
And I will see you tomorrow
Repeat Chorus
Does it matter what happened today?
Don’t look back at the past, walk away
Repeat Chorus
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