[Music-Canel, Axen, Kjellberg/Lyrics-Sjoholm, Axen]
Silence now the only sound
Shadows gathering around
Hiding thoughts inside my mind about you
I lost wat I just had to steal
What we had was so unreal
Bleeding scars I tried to heal in me
Get inside, fill my mind
Can’t define, I don’t know why I…
Get inside, fill my mind
Can’t define, I don’t know what I tried
Tried to live through sacred lies
Feelings had to be denied
I knew it all had to die away
Get inside, fill my mind
Can’t define, I don’t know why I…
Get inside, fill my mind
Can’t define, I don’t know what I tried
wuhtchu doiin?? bullshettiin *Chris Brown* niigguh y u mad? u kno we bullshettiin ii liike…
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