Thought I heard, buddy bolden say
The nasty and dirty, take it away
You’re terrible and awful, take it away
I thought I heard him say
Thought I heard, buddy bolden shout
Open up that window, and let that bad air out
Open up that window, and let that stinky air out
Thought I heard buddy bolden say
Thought I heard judge Fogerty say
Give him 30 days in the market
Take him away
Give him a broom to sweep with
Take him away
Thought I heard him say
Thought I heard Franky Dirson say
Gimme that money, girl,
or I’m gonna, I’m gonna take it away
Gimme that money you owe me, or I’ll take it away
Thought I heard Franky Dirson say
Way to go this time. You've done so good for yourself. And do you realize…
I believe If you give A little bit of love To those you live with…
Music by Elton John Lyrics by Bernie Taupin You can take her Make her change…
Aman mor koyun meler gelir Haydi de mor koyun meler gelir Aman dağları deler gelir…
The Black Cloud gathers smothers my Brain As i cry another tear in this struggle…
[Originally released in 1992 on the demo album "Wrath of the Tyrant".] [Lyrics by Mortiis.]…