Cursed soul bred by the fallen angel of doom will return
Beyond the blackened burning skies
7th trumpeteer awakened by eternal eclipse and low tide
Voices from the grave on shore were heard
Sacrificial rites damnation impurity
whispered by the wind of the sun
All mighty 7th lord of evil
The fallen angel of doom shall feed all trumpeteers
blood on command Crucifixtions now burning
Reverend of Hades Preacher of the dark
Blessed by the savior Preparing for the ceremonial rites
Desolation,desecration, restrictions are told
Deterioration of the mind and dead souls
Angel of doom 7th trumpeteer awakened
Devotement of the angels and trumpets in one womb
Reverend of Hades Preacher of the dark
Blessed by the savior Preparing for the ceremonial rites
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