Dear Stranger, separate
Are lovers dreams the worst?
I write to spare you irony, and send word of a curse
Long were the lights out, seal them some way
Before the blade deploys itself and chooses who to slay
There is still time left in this vacancy
An unlived life flows freely in your veins
Dear Passion; blessed be
Take this to the grave
Years empty endlessly to crash here on the waves
Long were the lights out, seal them some way
Before the blade deploys itself and chooses who to slay
There is still time left in this vacancy
An unlived life flows freely in your veins
Take your pride out of place
Takes your nose out of joint
Take your eyes off the blade
Take the edge off the point
Reveal new life
Reveal and smile
There is still time left in this vacancy
An unlived life flows freely in your veins
Everyone, even those I love Say that I must move on It's time to pick…
Bir benmiyim perişan, Gecenin karanlığında. Yosun tuttu gözlerim, Yanlızlar rıhtımında. Bütün gece ağladım, Dalgalar kucağımda.…
Tearing myself inside out for love, All this thinking made me realize what I'm fighting…
Şafak söktü yine sunam uyanmaz Hasret çeken gönül derde dayanmaz Çağırırım sunam sesim duyulmaz Uyan…
Do you remember me ? How we used to be helpless and happy and blind…
Ne zaman canın yansa bu kadar derinden Sanırsın mümkün değil bi daha üzülmem Ne inat,ne…