Climbing the walls, touching the ceiling
When destiny calls, I trust in the feeling
You know well I’ve been here before
My feet on the floor
My head spinning round
Out of control, I reach for a lever
In the heat of the night, I’m pitched to a fever
You know well I”ve been here before
My feet on the floor
My head spinning round
Running for a reason
Run for a reason
Someone to hold onto
I change with the season
You know that I’m coming through
Like I always do
It’s cold in the night, I hide in the corner
I keep up the fight, though I’m getting warmer
You know well I’ve been here before
My feet on the floor
My head spinning round
Running for a reason
Run for a reason
Someone to hold onto
I change with the season
You know that I’m coming through
Like I always do
Yeah, I’m coming through
Like I always do
Run for a reason
I run for a reason
Climbing the walls, touching the ceiling
When destiny calls, I trust in the feeling
You know well I’ve been here before
My feet on the floor
My head spinning round
Running for a reason
Running for a reason
Running for a reason
will you miss me my dear and my wild wiLd hair maybe love is underwater…
We exist to destroy, fuck you all Fuck you all This prophecy unfolding, We have…
I don't think you realize the way things really are Play with fire, burn yourself,…
12 sau paulo rain there's always a party on funeral row, where the cross flashes…
Sevde gör yalnızlığı Sevde gör mutsuzluğu Sevde gör sevde gör Gurbet nedir hasret nedir Çile…
Long legged shadows, Mississippi sunset She was standing like a candle that hadn't been burned…