Your perfume is on the pillow
But I can’t bring myself to change that pillow case
Some of your clothes are in the closet
But I can’t bring myself to throw them away
And you stare at me from across the room
I remember when I took that picture
My favorite one of you
To tell the truth
I like lyin’ to myself
It keeps you with me
There will never be anyone else
Although you’re everywhere I look
I know you’re really gone
To tell the truth, without you
I like lyin’ to myself
All of our friends ask about you
And I tell them that we’re doin’ fine
In my heart, we’re still together
But I’m in love’s prison, doin’ time
I just can’t admit to losing you
So I
To stop this pain I can’t go through
Never had no luck never had no dreams at all Never had a reason To…
Bir Gönüle Aşk Girince Ateşte Yanmışa Benzer Bir De Hasretlik Olunca Yanmış Tutuşmuşa Benzer Yağmura…
Scribe and ali and yea we still together through the stormiest weather its been along…
My father married a pure Cherokee My mother's people were ashamed of me The Indians…
Written by George Jones and Darrell Edwards As performed by George Jones: The seasons come,…