with broken arms, a nasty note and a dead rat, I carry with me her suspension of disbelief why can’t I be the genius who solved the greatest problems of his time am I even beyond metaphorical assistance why must I be a paint brush when we need a wrench her arrival at the correct velocity in order to perceive has been canceled, and filed away this abstraction shall repeat in sequence
I've been staring out the window of our favorite late night bar Where the neon…
Compete, Compete Let the blood fill the streets Hear the cries of the fallen denying…
Ela gözlerine kurban olduğum Şayedip aleme bildirme beni Açıp ak gerdanı durma karşımda Ecelimden evvel…
Music by Elton John Lyrics by Bernie Taupin I'll take a rainy day To make…
ne zaman düşünsem sevgilim seni o güzel günlerim gelir aklıma yağmurdan kaçarken o dar sokakta…