You ask me who I’ve been with, and do I know all their last names? And I cant answer honestly which leaves me open and ashamed. I beg you for forgiveness, you say there’s no need to explain. But now I feel uncomfortable. We’re distrustful still the same. You’ve finally seen your end light tunnel, upwards with a jar. So cute you give me a headache, a black hole stole your heart. So fast you became important to me so fast now you are not. Fondle Fuck and Forgive eventually, this is how we taint our hearts. It was a twenty six night stand, embarrassed but I understand. A condition of loneliness feels so second hand. The idea of getting rid of what you’ve got, does the prospect make you hot? You’re realizing on your projection, I’m forgetting I am not.
You see the face on the TV screen coming at you every Sunday see that…
Melek Yüzlü Şeytan Bir elinde cennet Bir elinde cehennem var Bakışı beni buz kestirir Öpüşüyse…
Ardindan baktim dünyaya Yesil otlagina günaydinlar kattim Memenden düstüm avcuna Kalbimdeki topraklara yattim Çagirdim seni…
Nedir bu acelen hayrola Yangından kaçar gibi Ardına bakmadan gitmek varmı deli etme beni Nereye…
Ain't it funny, I haven't seen you in years And all those tears I cried,…
Christmas is the day The angels came to say they said be not afraid for…