Her Face was like a cult to me
Her limbs were fierce in symmetry
It throws me into song
The throng have done us wrong
And away she goes, her toes leave gold
Her horn of youth has passed behold
It throws me into song
The throng have done us wrong
Do-oo you remember?
Do-oo you remember?
Pleasures of love
Tresures of love
The voice of light denounce the night
Sweet pilgrims climb the chily heights
It throws me into song
The throng have done us wrong
Do-oo you remember?
Do-oo you remember?
Pleasures of love
Treasures of love
Do-oo you remember?
Do-oo you remember?
Pleasures of love
Treasures of love
[chant till fade…]
[LL Cool J] It's one in the mornin - you know what time it is!…
Bir Varsın Bir Yoksun Başımı Döndürdün Kırık Dökük Bu Aşk Saç Baş Yoldurdu Bak Çıkmaz…
Verse 1: I don't want to be in your company I don't need you to…
Staring at the sun and I dreamed of the deceiver, smoking her smile and smiling…
I've been in here so long I forgot what I did wrong Just a kid…