Well, I’m walkin’ down the line,
I’m walkin’ down the line
An’ I’m walkin’ down the line.
My feet’ll be a-flyin’
To tell about my troubled mind.
I got a heavy-headed gal
I got a heavy-headed gal
I got a heavy-headed gal
She ain’t feelin’ well
When she’s better only time will tell
Well, I’m walkin’ down the line,
I’m walkin’ down the line
An’ I’m walkin’ down the line.
My feet’ll be a-flyin’
To tell about my troubled mind.
My money comes and goes
My money comes and goes
My money comes and goes
And rolls and flows and rolls and flows
Through the holes in the pockets in my clothes
Well, I’m walkin’ down the line,
I’m walkin’ down the line
An’ I’m walkin’ down the line.
My feet’ll be a-flyin’
To tell about my troubled mind.
I see the morning light
I see the morning light
Well it’s not because
I’m an early riser
I didn’t go to sleep last night
Well, I’m walkin’ down the line,
I’m walkin’ down the line
An’ I’m walkin’ down the line.
My feet’ll be a-flyin’
To tell about my troubled mind.
I got my walkin’ shoes
I got my walkin’ shoes
I got my walkin’ shoes
An’ I ain’t a-gonna lose
I believe I got the walkin’ blues
Well, I’m walkin’ down the line,
I’m walkin’ down the line
An’ I’m walkin’ down the line.
My feet’ll be a-flyin’
To tell about my troubled mind.
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