In trutina mentis dubia
fluctuant contraria
lascivus amor et pudicitia
Sed eligo quod video
collum iugo prebeo
ad iugum tamen suave transeo
I am suspended
Between love and chastity
But I choose
What is before me
And take upon myself the sweet yoke
NUMBER ONE (THE BALLAD) down to my last stand try and take my hand why…
Ich seh dich dort jetzt Die Knie unters Kinn gepresst So weich und verletzt Weil…
I've looked under chairs I've looked under tables I've tried to find the key To…
I'm coming up man-sized skinned alive I want to fit I've got to get Man-sized…
This ain't aor a flag waved in the air / this is the…
Tonight I let loose the dove In futile hopes of its return Watch bleeding feathers…