I entered into an unknown world
it wasn’t like I wanted to get hurt
unsuspecting you’ve got me curled
around your little finger
into your pretty paws
into the sharpest of nails
I came to live one of your nine lifes
your laws of nature I’ve come to learn
you dragged me in with your fangs of the deadliest pearl
out of your realm now there’s no return
you turned that thread into a cradle
with a
devilish twirl
inside your pretty paws now
the deadliest pearl
oh the realm that I have entered
the scars inflicted the tracks of your nails
of only one of all your nine lifes
lucifera you’ve got me curled
around your little finger
with a
devilish twirl
inside your pretty paws now
the deadliest pearl
oh the realm that I have entered
you’re a cat’o’nine tails
you turned that thread into a cradle
you’re a cat’o’nine tails
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