I’m not brave, and I’m not too smart
The tin man wouldn’t trade for my heart
Got two left feet when I am dancing
A long history of brief romances
Got no rubies, got no diamonds
None passed down and I can not but them
Got a box of hurt and a bag of shame
And you barely know my name
I’ve got big, big hopes about you
I’ve got big, big hopes
Got an old leather jacket, would look good on you
And lots of friends they would like you too
I’ve got some pull with the moon and tides
And thirty two dollars, let’s go somewhere tonight
I’ve got big, big hopes about you
I’ve got big, big hopes
I’ve had hopes before, but not like this
I’m flying over the edge into loves sweet abyss
I’ve got some pull with the moon and tides
And thirty two dollars, let’s go somewhere tonight
İndim çaya uğradım Çay odunu doğradım İndim çaya uğradım Çay odunu doğradım Sevda üstüne sevda…
While we float on this molten sea we wear our colours so heroically Were only…
Ağasarın balını da gel salını salını Adam cebinde taşır senin gibi gelini Uy asiye asiye…
bad boy thats your name but tell me whats your game you caught me in…
I saw myself in an alley. This was me ten years from now. He said,…
Yo, Big Will in the place to be, mic check...mic check.. Would you love me…