Zoo Lion sobers up and starts to scream and shout
A little dose of home-fire got him all smoothed out
Melancholy wine-soaked tenderness
She hated it here and she couldn’t care less
Prisonyard stares and fleur-de-lis tattoos
Cannibals are saving all their bones for soup
Eating with my fingers and sucking hulls of ships
My parasite don’t deserve no better than this
The Golden Rim Motor Inn
Soft water and colour TV
So consumed with the shape I’m in
Can’t enjoy the luxury
She says,”Why are you partial to that Playboy con?
When you can see me naked anytime you want?”
If I had loads o’ mondy to make me tame and sour
I could pay you to remind of my baby by the hour
Zoo Lion sobers up and starts to scream and shout
A little dose of home-fire got him all smoothed out
If this is where it all starts getting good
Then I’ll be here waiting for you, like I said I would
The Golden Rim Motor Inn
Soft water and a colour TV
So consumed with the shape I’m in
Can’t enjoy the luxury
The Luxury
I must thank Lord In my hour of need I?ve given way to a better…
We gonna do something different yall on this song because/Me and my mama was watching…
Menekşe gözler hülyalı, Bakışları çok manâlı. Gönül yakıcı o gözler Meğer ezelden sevdalı. Gel etme…
Your cheatin' heart will make you weep you'll cry and cry you'll try to sleep…
Ne çıkar bahtımızda ayrılık varsa yarın; Sanma ki hikayesi şu titreyen dalların, Düşen yaprakla biter;…
Enter the room softly with hidden wings Saying you talk strange things I don't understand…