You’re running scared, you’re not prepared
that’s undeniable
Shows you how much I know
I will admit to bein’ a bit
less than reliable
That’s as far as I’ll, go
Just look at me, I thought my dreams
were unachievable
Shows how much I know
I’ve had my share of wear & tear
It’s inconceivable
That’s as far as I’ll go
And what if all that I say is a lie
You would never know
so let’s keep it simple and we’ll do all right
That is all I know
Call me naïve, but I believe
I’m private property
Shows you how much I know
Maybe a word will help much to curb
your curiosity
That’s as far as I’ll go
You know all you need to know
That’s as far as I will go
You know all you need to know
That’s as far as I’ll go
So let me guess, I souldn’t question
your sincerity
Show you how much I know
And should you ask I’ll raise a glass
to mediocrity
That’s as far as I’ll go
[repeat bridge]
[repeat chorus]
Just look at me, I thought my dreams
were unachievable
Shows you how much I know
I’ve had my share of wear & tear
It’s inconceivable
That’s as far as I’ll go
[repeat chorus]
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