Gökten uçan telli turnam
Bizim beyler yerinde mi
Türlü tevrü cenge giren
Demirc’oğlum yerinde mi
Sohbet ile saz eyleyen
Her türlü avaz eyleyen
Her mecliste naz eyleyen
Han Ayvaz’ım yerinde mi
Yalan koç Köroğlu’m yalan
Ülkelere saldım talan
Yar gecede hafik olan
Telli Nigar yerinde mi
Karpuz getir yiyeyim Aç odanı gireyim Uyan uyan sar beni Yar olduğun bileyim Karpuzlar yenmez…
You dont know who Im talking to Why, Because... No one ever did I feel…
Written by Lindsey Buckingham. Why don't you ask him if he's going to stay? Why…
I should care I should go around weeping I should care I should go without…
[bonus track] [music Claudio '99; lyrics Gionata Febbr.'96/Octob.'99] When the man thinks to be stronger…
She lifts the flowers from the window box Summer's fouled now winter flocks She lifts…