Picking crumbs from the beards of others, futile organisms with no spine.
Human lice with no spine slips into a neural wreck of humanity’s rot.
Trust ripping away, dying.
Your breed is weak, the taste of strength bitter to your palate of doubt.
A remnant of what was, once left, a relic you pissed it away.
Your breed is weak, a thing so weak.
Mutual downslide into mediocrity,
you knew better but you pissed it all away.
zoo-music girl zoo-music girl our life together is a hollow tooth spit out the shells,…
We stand up to this world So full of hate We gave ur lives to…
Hey, I didn't mean a thing I said last night. I swear I didn't mean…
ben oyle her dakika aska yenik degildim kendimce sozlerim iyi niyetlerim vardi gelir bulur diyordum…
Ayrılık yaman kelime Benzetmek azdır ölüme Kim uğrarsa bu zulüme Amaan aman amaan Gündüzü olurmus…
(Bailiff) Order in the court! (Judge) The courtroom asks Carlos Coy to step up to…