From the lungs of an original member,
Savagest traveler,
Pick my teeth with the bones of Kadavor,
Ravage and magic there’s
Swing with Battle Axe cuz I can’t stay average
Roll with the maverick
Down with the ice vein
the phantom
why can’t the ? pattern of
it’s dark when I wake up dark when I sleep
Acid on your brain makes the
Cassie, Next Selection, R-Les Just one nite to be with you again 'cause I miss…
We're gonna be here all night Susie is taking her time as if we're going…
ayrılırken var ya yüzüne bakamıyorum demesi cok zor ya elveda diyemiyorum aslında olur diye gözyasım…
Words and music by Hank Williams, Sr. [C] I could [G7] say it's over [C]…
Getir Berber getirde aynayı getir, Vay getir, vay vay, vay getir. Aç göğsünü üstüne al…
I'll try to make the sunshine brighter for you I will even play the fool…