[Music: Vanargandr, Lyric: Vanargandr]
På vigrids slette en kjølig natt
hviler der en tåke tett
Føoles som et himmelsk kvel
der jeg står forlatt i tåkens hjerte
En sen Oktober fullmåne natt
Ensom på en hedensk mark
I Vigrids vård
I tåken av min skjebne
Jeg føler en kald bris fare lett forbi
Den streifer meg, tar meg langt avsted
Jeg svever gjennom luften som en ensom ravn
mens vigrids vård sakte lar meg dø
Dra meg med til ingensteds
slik at jeg kan dø
og Vigrids vård
kan fortsatt jakte
på de sterke menns sjeler
La Vigrids vård styrkes
slik at den kan dyrkes
og en lavere makt
kan bli ødelagt
[English translation:]
[The spirit of Vigrid]
On the field of Vigrid a cold night
a thick fog rests
Feels like a heavenly suffocation
There I stand in the heart of the fog
A late October fullmoon night
lonely on a pagan field
In the spirit of Vigrid
in the fog of my fate
I feel a cold breeze drifting lightly by
it touches me, takes me far away
I float through the air lonely as a raven
while the spirit of Vigrid slowly lets me die
Take me to nowhere
so that I can die
and let the spirit of Vigrid
still hunt for the souls of the strong men
Strenghten the spirit of Vigrid
so that it can be worshipped
and make a lesser might disappear
i was alone in my big bed those lonely nights i tried to reach you…
this heres my life the only one i got wanna spend my time usin up…
My life, nothing was easy till now Hope like the morning will paint the dawn…
Gyeah Gyeah Gyeah Its goin out to all them G`s To all them thug niggas…
Crowded cities polluted air every day is getting worse try to breathe the smoky steam…