Reconstruction idea take the ultimate trip yea ultimate trip assasination-invasion a criminal masterpiece hang on the walls like a gold on the moon. Thunderbolt fist, rocket feet a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, cry and you cry alone. Love as they please in Hitler’s brain. T-bird bitch’n the bad girl. Sweet savage a swing’n baby. But you can ride ride ride the wild surf. Quicksand hand racing fever a lot of speed can really move ya. Hey, did I fuck’n win! I’m a real pyro-man. Riot and shock. Return and burn. Pretty poison just sit bizarre. Playing it. Play’n it. Play it cool.
We came together in 1982 Through stormy weather, we sang the blues You and me…
I talk to you out loud Driving south on Kings road I've got you in…
A İstanbul (Beyim Aman) Sen Bir Han Mısın Varan Yiğitleri (De Beyler Aman) Yudan Sen…
Two smiling faces That's how it used to be What once was forever Now a…
If I was the wife of an acrobat... Could've had it all...Could've had it all...…