i like her bloody lipstick
it tastes like cyanide
i like her musty perfume
smells like formaldehyde
i like her eyes of charcoal
they seem to hypnotize
i like the way she dances
i feel so mesmerized
sprinkle me with holy water
i just kissed the devil
[Words: A. Looström Music: A. Looström, S. Johansson, T. Björn] Sometimes the days seems to…
Once I had a silly notion to out across the ocean The future for me…
(Tony Martin/Mark Narmore) I could think of a million reasons That would help explain her…
My Marge My Marge is such a delight She thrills me at night The second…
Gözümün önünden cekil kacil be zilli Karsimda kivirip büyüledin cadi seni Öyle bir cosmus dökülüyor…
Somebody calls me on the phone. Say hey-hey-hey is Arty Home. You wanna take a…