(Billy Ray Cyrus/Casey Beathard)
It’s living int he moment today
Got down ont he floor and played with my little girl
For a little while
It’s crazy how much she’s grown
It seems last I looked she was so small but she sure ain’t now
But she’s around that age her first memories are made
Oh I remember being that young once
I think it was yesterday
Time flies
Blows by
Feels like
I’ve missed so many things
Time flies
And sometimes
God I wish you’d clip it’s wings
Another day is winding down
There you stand in that cotton gown
The one you wore when we first made love
Back when this was just a dream, no house, no kids
The only thing we had then was us
And babe I can’t help but miss that now and then
‘Cause all those old tomorrows
Ain’t coming back again
Time flies
Blows by
Feels like
I’ve missed so many things
Time flies
And sometimes
God I wish you’d clip it’s wings
Time flies
God I, God I wish you’d clip it’s wings
God why can’t you clip it’s wings
Time flies
Time flies
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