They don’t have words
To say how blue I’m feelin’
This ol’ world can lift you up then lay ya’ down
It’s a mighty lonesome feelin’
When your lover’s gone
This ol’ town go’s colder
When you’re a man on your own
I keep walkin’ the streets of this ol’ city
Window shoppin’ but I can’t see a thing
Just a walkin’ and a humin’
This lonesome song
This ol’ town grow’s colder
When you’re a man on your own
O’ look at them their smilein’
They don’t know I’m here
They couldn’t care less
If i just up and disappeared
O’ there must be a reason
Why my nights are so long
It’s a mighty lonesome feelin’
When you’re a man on your own
Yeah it’s a mighty lonesome feelin’
When you’re a man on your own
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