We are together with you far long time
We loved each other so much
You present me so many days
But why will I live without you
Come bad to me I ask you
Come bach to me my love
I do want to be close to you
And I will come to you my angel wait for me
No I’m lonely all over the world
And I’m crying all the time
You did I don’t know how to live without you
So the end of my life will be the river, deep river
I went down to St. James Infirmary. I saw my baby there. Stretched out on…
A normal day hanging on the street Saw something green with big webbed Feet I…
Is this how it was intended? The sunrise over smoke stacks in the Midwest, the…
Sözlerim ileri geri piyon misali Anlamın altında yatar mecazi İzmir Emir&Doa hane misafiri Bizim önümüze…
Used to be my pleasure When I'd wake up in the morning Just to open…