This is living
I’ve got everything I want at my fingertips
Just have to clap and lights turn on
I’ve got several piles of records
I don’t know which one I’ll put on next
I’ve got a hundred subscriptions to magazines I’ll never read
I like mail
I’m staring at the toys on my wall
Wondering what can be swallowed
Or take out an eyeball
Or what the people in China think about these things
When they make them
I’m not crazy
I’m merely entertaining the thought of going insane
The ball game must be over now
Maybe they’ll show a movie
From the ’80’s
And I’ll imagine what it would be like to live back then
At the age I am now
I’m staring at the back of her head
Trying to make her turn around
Feeling the meat on my cat
Wondering what it would be like to cook her
But I won’t
‘Cause that would cause a terrible fuss among my friends
And I’m not crazy
I’m merely entertaining the thought of going insane
I’m not crazy (x9)
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