You drive around aimlessly.
Don’t know what you hope to see.
You know it’s stupid.
I see you when I pass you by.
I’m afraid to meet your eye.
I know it’s stupid.
You have a voice, you have a phone,
But you’re usually alone.
You know it’s stupid.
I have a body and a brain,
But I turn them off again…again.
I know it’s stupid.
There’s nothin’ to do.
It’s so hard to talk to you
And people never do what they want to.
I don’t know what and I don’t know where,
But I know it’s out there.
It must be out there somewhere.
I’m gonna leave this place.
Gonna’ leave this life of waste.
Gonna’ put on a new face.
Where was I before?
I’m not there anymore.
Went away and tried to come back.
Maybe I shouldn’t have done that.
There’s nothin’ to do.
It’s so hard to talk to you
And people never do what they want to.
I don’t know what and I don’t know where,
But I know it’s out there.
It must be out there somewhere.
There’s nothin’ to do.
It’s so hard to talk to you
And people never do what they want to.
I don’t know what and I don’t know where.
There’s nothing out there.
It’s not out there anywhere.
I’m gonna’ leave this town.
Gonna’ leave it like I found it.
Gonna’ turn myself around.
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