You know those kids they get at school, they’ve got a motorbike they think they’re cool.
They’ve got a moped for their sixteenth birthday, now you can hear them coming from half a mile away.
It’s the moped lads, they like to think they’re bad, it’s the moped lads, if you hit ’em they’ll tell their dads.
They follow the school bus ‘cos they think they’re next, they try to impress the girls on the back seat.
They go up the Youth Club and stand outside, and talk about the bikes they can only just ride.
They’re about as hard as a lump of shit, but they’ve got two wheels so they think they’re it.
They always show off and try to act flash, but the best thing about ’em is when they crash.
The silent stray inertia No burden on my back No determinance, no ballast No chance…
(Johnny Cash - Roy Cash, Jr) At my door the leaves are falling The cold…
five hundred and fifteen days and nights later the generation is still doomed to watch…
Seni gördüğüm o anda Birdenbire içimde sızı hissettim Birdenbire kalbimin içinde fırtınalar esti Daha ne…
Little girl in bloom With happy heart you wipe aside Any sadness, sorrow or gloom…
Kapın çalınıp davetsiz misafir geldiği zaman Dönüşü yoktur bütün bunların Dostların filim şeridi gibi bir…