Out where the bright lights are glowing you’re drawn like a moth to a flame
You laugh while the wine’s overflowing while I sit and whisper your name
Four walls to hear me four walls to see four walls too near me closing in on me
Sometimes I ask why I’m waiting but my walls have nothing to say
I’m made for love not for hating but here where you left me I’ll stay
One night with you is like heaven and so while I’m walking this floor
I listen for steps in the hallway and wait for your knock on my door
Four walls to hear me four walls to see four walls too near me closing in on me
Closing in on me
Biralar soğuk mu dedim Dedi ki normal Peki ya havalar? Valla gayet normal İşler dedim…
Şarkı enstrümantal olduğu için şarkı sözü bulunmamaktadır.
Another song to pass the time. I've reached the end of my rope. And I'm…
Maybe not one Maybe you too Wondering Wondering who Wonderful you Wondering Child, the child,…
(lyrics and music by James Seals, 1969) From the albums SEALS AND CROFTS (1969) and…
kapkara bu ne suskun bir bulut bu sonsuz bu ne solgun bir deniz titreyen bir…