Written by Ricky & Marty Wilde
Now when we started – no interventions
I wanted everything with no conditions
You took my love and told it to the world
But now it really changes things
The ring you wear belongs to someone else
Somebody else and my heart keeps saying
Hold back – Hold back your love
Baby it’s just a crazy thing to start
Hold back – Hold back your love
Maybe it’s just the easy way to part
Hold back – Hold back (Hold back, hold back…)
No denials – No introspection
I’m not competing for some true perfection
I wanted something that’s fine and that’s for sure
And now I wonder how she feels
‘cos in her heart she knows there’s someone else
Somebody else and I hear her saying
Hold back – Hold back your love
Baby it’s just a crazy thing to start
Hold back – Hold back your love
Maybe it’s just the easy way to part
Hold back – Hold back
Hold back (Hold back)
Hold back your love
Hold back (Hold back)
Hold back your love
(Baby…) Hold back (Hold back)
Hold back your love
Baby it’s just a crazy thing to start
Baby it’s just a crazy thing
you gotta hold back – hold back your love
(Hold back) – Hold back your love
(Hold back) – You gotta hold back your love
(ooh) You gotta hold back your love
(ooh) Hold back your love
Hold back (Hold back)
Hold back
(ad lib to fade)
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