I hate everyone I’ve seen
People just make me sick
They just get in my way
They never leave me alone
They never leave me be
They’re everywhere I go
Some day I’ll make them suffer
For everything they’ve done
Time bomb — I’m not one of you
Time bomb — It’s what I must do
Time bomb — One day I’ll explode
Time bomb — Just when you’ll never know
Giving up that's the easy part Turn your pockets out Tear your room apart But…
Give me - shelter - shelter I can face the day Then I'll just fade…
Chwarae gitar mewn bar yn fy amser sbar Playing guitar in a bar in my…
How shall I begin? I'll fuck at the wind Come out on top bruised but…
Hallo, und guten Tag zu Haus'. Wir sind's, schaltet nicht gleich aus. Dies ist nur…
Finally found a place they could never reach Sipping singha beer on Pattaya Beach Singha…