Somewhere deep inside
Something’s got a hold on you
And it’s pushing me aside
See it stretch on forever
I know I’m right
For the first time in my life
That’s why I tell you
You’d better be home soon
Stripping back the coats
Of lies and deceiption
Back to nothingness
Like a week in the desert
I know I’m right
For the first time in my life
That’s why I tell you
You’d better be home soon
So don’t say no, don’t say nothing’s wrong
‘Cause when you get back home maybe I’ll be gone
It would cause me pain
If we were to end it
But I could start again
You can depend on it
I know I’m right
For the first time in my life
That’s why I tell you
You’d better be home soon
That’s why I tell you
You’d better be home soon
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