Categories: Şarkı Sözleri

Enigma – Mea Culpa

(Curly M.C./David Fairstein)


Kyrie eleison

Christe eleison


Je ne dors plus

(The time has come)


Je te desire

(The time has come)


Prends moi

Je suis a toi

Mea culpa


Je veux aller au bout de me fantasmes

Je sais que c’est interdit

Je suis folle. Je m’abandonne


Mea culpa

Kyrie eleison

Christe eleison


Je suis la et ailleurs

Je n’ai plus rien

Je deviens folle

Je m’abandonne


Mea culpa


Je ne dors plus

Je te desire

Prends moi

Je suis a toi


Kyrie eleison

Christe eleison


Je suis la et ailleurs

Je veux tout

Quand tu veux

Comme tu veux


Mea culpa

Kyrie eleison


Lord have mercy

Christ have mercy


I can’t sleep anymore

(The time has come)


I desire you

(The time has come)


Take me

I’m yours

I’m guilty


I want to go to the end of my fantasies

I know it is forbidden

I am crazy. I am letting myself go


I’m guilty

Lord have mercy

Christ have mercy


I am here and somewhere else

I have nothing more

I am becoming crazy

I am letting myself go


I’m guilty


I can’t sleep anymore

I desire you

Take me

I’m yours


Lord have mercy

Christ have mercy


I am here and somewhere else

I want everything,

When you want,

As you like


I’m guilty

Lord have mercy

Mea Culpa (Fading Shades Mix)

(Curly M.C./David Fairstein)


Turn off the light,

take a deep breath and relax

O Sacrum Convivium

recolitur passionis eius

Je ne dors plus (Je ne dors plus)

Je te desire (Je te desire)

Je veux aller au bout de mes fantasmes

Je sais que c’est interdit

Prends moi (Prends moi)

Je suis a toi (Je suis a toi)

Mea culpa (Mea culpa)

Turn off the light,

take a deep breath and relax

Prends moi (Prends moi)

Je suis a toi (Je suis a toi)

Mea Culpa (Mea culpa)

O Sacrum Convivium

recolitur passionis eius

Prends moi (Prends moi)

Je suis a toi (Je suis a toi)

Prends moi (Prends moi)

Je suis a toi (Je suis a toi)

Mea Culpa (Mea culpa)

Prends moi (Prends moi)

Je suis a toi (Je suis a toi)

Mea Culpa Prends moi

Je suis a toi Mea Culpa (Mea culpa)

Prends moi

Je suis a toi

Mea Culpa

Turn off the light,

take a deep breath and relax

Prends moi (Prends moi)

Je suis a toi (Je suis a toi)

Mea Culpa (Mea culpa)


Turn of the light,

take a deep breath and relax

O Sacret Banquet

His passion is renewed

I can’t sleep anymore

I desire you

I want to go to the end of my fantasies

I know it’s forbidden

Take me

I’m yours

I’m guilty

Turn off the light,

take a deep breath and relax

Take me

I’m yours

I’m guilty

O Sacred Banquet

His passion is renewed

Take me

I’m yours

Take me

I’m yours

I’m guilty

Take me

I’m yours

I’m guilty

I’m yours, I’m guilty

Take me

I’m yours

I’m guilty

Turn off the light,

take a deep breath and relax

Take me

I’m yours

I’m guilty


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