Where do you wanna go
Now that we’re apart and all alone
‘Cause we can’t go back
No we can’t go back
What do I have to say
To make up for all my dumb mistakes
‘Cause I can’t take back
No I can’t take back
You treated me so bad
So now that we’re apart
How could you even be mad?
Remember better days
All those memories I won’t erase
But I won’t look back
No I won’t look back
Efforts and hopes I left
In a home where my whole life was kept
At least you’re off my back
Now you’re off my back
You treated me so bad
So now that we’re apart
How could you even be mad?
You’d want to fight
Most every night
Now that we’re done
How will you have fun?
Where are you gonna go?
Where are you gonna go?
Where are you gonna go…
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